What about the headlight industry in the next few years?
Release Time : 2023-06-19 View Count : 次In recent years, both traditional car manufacturers and electric vehicle factories have actively increased the penetration rate of LED headlights. By improving product differentiation to stabilize and increase the market share, the penetration rate of global LED headlights has reached 60% in passenger cars in 2021, among which the penetration rate of LED headlights of electric vehicles is as high as 90%, which is expected to increase to 72% and 92% respectively in 2022.
From the technical point of view, intelligent headlights in adaptive headlamp (ADBHeadlights) technology, at this stage to matrix (MatrixLED) with 12~100 LED as the mainstream design, through the high performance LED, expand the driver at night, can effectively increase the driver's reaction time to obstacles ahead, to achieve better road lighting.
At the same time, non-glare high beams (Glare-FreeHighBeam) also reduce the discomfort of front cars and pedestrians.
The market penetration rate of adaptive headlights is only 3.2% in 2022. With the gradual improvement of adaptive headlights in various countries, MicroLED pixel array (MicroLEDPixelArray) imports adaptive headlights, and the pixels that can accurately conduct independent digital control will be greatly increased to 10,000~30,000 pixels.
When the more LED pixels, the more flexibly the irradiation area can be adjusted to increase driving safety, and to meet the needs of regional market regulations, which will help lamp manufacturers to reduce the cost of the development, production and logistics of headlights in different regional markets.
It is expected that the penetration rate of the adaptive headlamp market will have the opportunity to reach 13.2% in 2026, which will drive the overall automotive lighting market output value to reach $39.496 billion in 2026, and a compound growth rate of 4.7% from 2021 to 2026.